Digital education index in cities of Africa
Relevance. Africa presents a unique case: despite having the lowest urbanization levels in the world, it demonstrates the highest rates of urban population growth. Universities in large African cities play a key role in developing human capital by providing educational opportunities and training in digital skills necessary for participation in the digital economy.
Objective. This article aims to assess the relationship between digital higher education, a key component of human capital, and economic development in African countries. It also explores the Digital Education Index and the factors influencing it in African cities and countries. We hypothesize that the composite Digital Education Index will reveal connections between economic development, urbanization, digital infrastructure, and digital education.
Data and Methods. The study uses data from African cities and countries for 2019–2022, sourced from Trading Economics, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Free Apply, UNESCO, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. The methodology is based on an index approach, using measures of central tendency. The Digital Education Index is calculated through three sub-indices: technical accessibility of digital technologies, financial-economic accessibility of digital education, and population digital skills.
Results. Digital education contributes to human capital development in Africa while reducing inequality and social vulnerability. However, progress in improving the Digital Education Index has been limited, as African universities face challenges such as restricted technology access and low living standards, which limit access to paid education.
Conclusion. The study provides policy recommendations highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of digital education development in Africa.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Victoria V. Akberdina, Maxim V. Vlasov
Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731