Analysis of the residential mortgage market in the Ural Federal District
The relevance of this study stems from the fact that it analyzes the current situation on the mortgage market in Russia: the influence of macro-economic factors causes a fall in collateral value, dramatic increase in mortgage default and poor performance of the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML).
The study is aimed at investigating the current state of residential mortgage lending on the regional level in Russia by focusing on the case of the Ural Federal District. The study considers the interests of all the participants of this market: individual borrowers, state authorities, financial and credit institutions engaged in mortgage lending.
The study analyzes statistical data on the primary residential mortgage market in the Ural Federal District provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Federal State Statistics Service and the AHML.
Results. Modern approaches to mortgage system evaluation are compared in order to identify and systematize the key criteria and statistical indicators characterizing the current state of this form of lending relationships. The analysis also brings to light the negative trends in mortgage lending in the Ural Federal District.
As a part of our further research, we are going to develop a procedure for evaluating the performance of a mortgage system.
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ekaterina G. Zinovyeva, Natalya R. Balynskaya, Svetlana V. Koptyakova, Oksana O. Akhmetzianova
Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 28.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731