Key factors in managing creative reindustrialization strategies

Valentina V. Derbeneva, Irina V. Baskakova, Kristina V. Chukavina, Irina D. Turgel, Zlata V. Novokshonova, Alena D. Tsepeleva


Relevance The growing importance of creative industries in Russia's economy underscores the need for effective management strategies to support the reindustrialization of second-tier cities, with a focus on socio-economic growth and the preservation of local identity.

Research Objective The article aims to identify key factors that influence the development and implementation of creative reindustrialization strategies in second-tier cities.

Data and Methods Using econometric modeling, the study analyzed data from 50 industrial cities in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions (2010–2024), sourced from the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities, and the Presidential Grant Foundation. 

Results. The study identified key factors contributing to the growth of creative industries, including the expansion of creative sector companies, proximity to regional centers, increased grant applications, the presence of manufacturing enterprises, growth in local government revenue, and the development of new housing. A comprehensive set of government support measures was proposed, encompassing infrastructure development, financial assistance, educational initiatives, informational resources, and regulatory improvements.

Conclusions Essential government support to creative industries should include infrastructure development, simplified administrative procedures, tax incentives, institutional and legislative backing, and export promotion. Other support measures can be tailored to the chosen management strategy and regional needs, resulting in the creation of a flexible system centered around local identity.


creative industry, creative economy, development factors, government support, public policy, management strategy, industrial city, second-tier cities

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Copyright (c) 2025 Valentina V. Derbeneva, Irina V. Baskakova, Kristina V. Chukavina, Irina D. Turgel, Zlata V. Novokshonova, Alena D. Tsepeleva

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