Application of the concept of technological maturity in regional industrial development strategy-making

Olga A. Chernova, Vladislav R. Knyazev


Relevance. Technological sovereignty in the national economy cannot be achieved without a clear understanding of the state of regional industries, particularly their level of technological maturity. This crucial factor drives investment decisions and shapes regional development strategies. However, existing methods for assessing technological development often fail to account for industries' reliance on foreign technologies and services.

Research Objective. The study explores the concept of technological maturity in the context of managing regional industrial development, focusing on the case of regional industries in Russia.

Data and Methods. To evaluate the technological maturity of regional industries, we propose an index derived from normalizing key indicators that capture the critical aspects of technological maturity. The normalized indicators are aggregated using the arithmetic mean. Correlation analysis was employed to identify factors influencing technological development. The study is based on official statistics from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) for 2022.

Results. Technological maturity indices are calculated for Russian regions, identifying both strengths and weaknesses. Only nine regions have achieved a medium level of technological maturity, while most remain at low levels. Additionally, many regions leading in terms of technology are highly reliant on imported technologies and services, with minimal exports of domestically developed technologies. These results highlight the need for policy measures tailored to regions’ varying needs and levels of technological maturity.

Conclusions The concept of technological maturity provides a strategic framework for regional industrial development that can enhance national economic competitiveness through both embracing modern technologies and ensuring technological independence. The technological maturity index provides a valuable tool for tracking key indicators of technological sovereignty in domestic industries and identifying investment priorities to strengthen it.


regional industry, technological sovereignty, regional development strategy, technological maturity index, industrial economics, investment

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Copyright (c) 2025 Olga A. Chernova, Vladislav R. Knyazev

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731