Environmental risks and sustainable development of Russian regions in times of crises

Ksenia V. Demidova, Vera A. Barinova, Margarita A. Gvozdeva


Relevance. Russia is currently facing sanctions, which have had significant economic and social consequences. These crises have revealed vulnerabilities in the socio-economic system, highlighting the importance of studying them to better address current challenges and mitigate future risks. 

Objective. The study aims to identify the vulnerabilities in particular aspects of sustainable development across Russia's regions during the crises of the past 15 years.

Data and methods. The study draws on data from the Federal Statistical Service (Rosstat) to calculate a sustainable development index for regions, which tracks the impact of crises on their economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The index is constructed using a classical method, comprising three averaged sub-indices, each representing one of the three components of sustainable development.  A higher index value indicates greater sustainability, with the impact of crises varying across regions.

Results. During the 2014 crisis, regions specializing in export-oriented industries or those with a significant share of foreign capital in their economies were hit the hardest. Socially, the most vulnerable regions were those along the Chinese border in the Far East, which were impacted by trade restrictions. The 2020 pandemic had economic effects on nearly all regions, with cities of over a million people and their agglomerations suffering the most due to the abrupt suspension of the tertiary sector. The social sphere responds most quickly to crises, while the environmental component is more inert but shows a negative trend despite the crises.

Conclusions. For regions with underdeveloped and monocentric economies, support measures should focus on diversifying industries, particularly those aimed at mass consumption.  In coal-mining regions, it's important to develop service sectors related to the industry during stable periods. For the Far Eastern regions, the main support measure is to stimulate industries geared towards meeting Chinese demand.


environmental risks, sustainable development, factors of socio-economic development, regions of Russia, integral indices, crises

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2024.10.4.026

Copyright (c) 2025 Ksenia V. Demidova, Vera A. Barinova, Margarita A. Gvozdeva

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Online ISSN 2412-0731