Unlocking the potential of inter-municipal cooperation

Arina V. Suvorova


Relevance. Inter-municipal cooperation is an effective tool for addressing resource deficits faced by municipalities, and its importance has grown in today’s context of socio-economic instability. However, the success of such cooperation largely depends on a careful selection of partners, which raises the question of how the strength of ties between municipalities impacts their ability to collaborate effectively.

Research objective. The aim of this study  is to explore how the spatial characteristics of interdependence between municipalities influence their interactions and cooperation.

Data and methods. The research draws on official statistical data from Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), as well as information from investment passports and municipal socio-economic development strategies. The study employs spatial correlation methods, cartographic analysis, and general research techniques, including analysis and synthesis.

Results. The inter-municipal relationships in Sverdlovsk Region are highly uneven, with significant disparities in the level of involvement across different areas. These relationships are predominantly concentrated around the region's administrative center and its neighboring municipalities, while the northern and eastern parts exhibit the weakest connectivity. Municipalities in the Ekaterinburg urban agglomeration are the most active participants in joint projects, whereas those in the southwestern part of the region show less involvement. The northern and eastern areas, in particular, demonstrate minimal engagement in forming partnerships with other municipalities, highlighting a stark regional imbalance.

Conclusions. The study confirms a strong link between the interdependence of municipalities and the extent of their cooperation. Factors such as territorial and socio-economic proximity play a key role, but additional drivers, such as national or regional policies, also significantly influence inter-municipal collaboration. Interestingly, a lack of resources among potential partners does not appear to impede cooperation.


interdependence of municipalities, inter-municipal cooperation, municipality, location, spatial analysis, development strategy, inter-municipal project, regional policy, management of spatial transformations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2024.10.4.025

Copyright (c) 2025 Arina V. Suvorova

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