Factors of research groups’ productivity: The case of the Ural Federal University

Daniil G. Sandler, Dmitry A. Gladyrev, Dmitry M. Kochetkov, Anna D. Zorina


Relevance. One of the main goals of state university support programs in Russia is to increase the number of scientific publications. In 2021, Project 5-100 was replaced by the program PRIORITY 2030 (Strategic Academic Leadership Program). The new program increased the significance of the factors affecting the number of publications in universities and the issue of the optimal allocation of funding among research groups.

Research objective. This study examines the factors that affect the productivity of research groups at the university. Unlike the majority of other studies on this topic, this study analyzes scientific productivity at the level of research groups.

Data and methods. The study was possible due to the availability of data for 79 research groups at the Ural Federal University for the period from 2014 to 2020. The total number of articles and the number of articles in journals with an impact factor of more than two were used as indicators of research groups’ performance. To determine the factors influencing these indicators, we used econometric models for panel data. We used two separate samples: for social sciences and humanities and for other sciences.

Results. We identified the following factors affecting the performance of research groups: the number of participants, the age of the research group, the supervisor’s scientific age, and the amount of funding (the possibility of obtaining more funds or being denied funds). The most interesting result is the following: the supervisor's scientific age and increased funding have a negative impact on the group’s performance. The article provides possible explanations for these results.

Conclusion. Since the purpose of creating and funding research groups is primarily to increase their productivity, the results may be in favor of younger supervisors. University managers may also be interested in the ambiguous impact of increased funding: we suppose that research groups are more motivated not by the actual funding but by the prospective amount they may get.


research groups, university economics, economics of higher education, science management, scientometrics, econometric analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15826/recon.2022.8.2.012

Copyright (c) 2022 Daniil G. Sandler, Dmitry A. Gladyrev, Dmitry M. Kochetkov, Anna D. Zorina

Сertificate of registration media Эл № ФС77-80764 от 23.04.2021
Online ISSN 2412-0731