The Journal has been published since 2015
Publisher: Ural Federal University
Founder: Ural Federal University and the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Languages of publication: English
All publications are free of charge
R-Economy is an active member of the following professional communities: RSA (Regional Studies Association), EACES (European Association for Comparative Economic Studies), ARETT (Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks) and AC Expert.
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– Scopus
– List of peer reviewed scientific journals by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) in which major research results from the dissertations of Candidates of Sciences (Ph.D) and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degrees are to be published
– Russian Science Citation Index (RINTS)
– Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
– RePEc
Vol 10, No 4 (2024)
Full Issue
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Table of Contents
Anna Fedyunina, Yuri Simachev, Sergey Nikitenko
Azimkhan A. Satybaldin, Aisulu Moldabekova, Gulnaz Zh. Alibekova, Tolkyn Azatbek
Arina V. Suvorova
Ksenia V. Demidova, Vera A. Barinova, Margarita A. Gvozdeva
Olga A. Chernova, Vladislav R. Knyazev
Analyzing the relationship between corruption and socio-economic development in Kazakhstan’s regions
Aksana Zh. Panzabekova, Damir Fazylzhan, Zhansaya G. Imangali
Valentina V. Derbeneva, Irina V. Baskakova, Kristina V. Chukavina, Irina D. Turgel, Zlata V. Novokshonova, Alena D. Tsepeleva